
Saturday, September 27, 2008

expat show-and more

Finally. A moment to sit down!

This is day six of my seven day work week. October holiday has creeped up on us, and we are required to work the weekend, to get 7 days off. Mandarin lessons, planning, apple pie baking, cell group, and family phone calls have kept me out n about every evening this week. So tonight I rest! I hope to finish The tipping point by Malcom Gladwell, respond to emails and of course update my blog here.

So last weekend was the expat show. It was a wide variety of vendors, from wine sampling to pre-schools, the million tree project and buying fruit online. A few friends had booths there, including Taisley Red interiors where I took a rest on a sweet sofa, Shokay, "luxury with a story, style with a touch of humanity" where i sampled yak cheese:

So between it all, we managed to find ourselves in the fruit online booth. I have a bad habit of getting sick from fruit here, so I was interested in the imported fruit, if it wasn't too expensive. Actually what really caught my eye was the avocados(aka alligator pears) they were selling. which reminds me of a logo i designed for an xP iron chef event:
3 for 39 rmb(75 cents) So of course they had a show deal, if you sign up you get x amount free, so we signed up for granny smith apples and avocados! And they came this week, and so we made an apple galette. (Actually my mom sent me her recipe, but she didn't tell me the oven temp, so I had look it up.) I made my own pie crust for the first time as well.

And I realized how I miss normal flavored chips. The chips here are chicken flavored, itailian redmeat, blueberry, and cucumber even! What ever happened to sour cream and onion?? The only cheetos they've got are both meat flavored. And not even anything close to chili cheese fritos. Well, I guess thats kinda ironic!

We also hit a birthday party at JWOW, and I had my hair curled at a local salon. . . and then in the humid wind filled cab ride there they all came out : ( The most inspiring part of the night was these two girls who came decked out in huge fluffy dresses (the theme was "glam") and you get closer to them and...their dresses were made of plastic bags!! like the big black ones, and white ones. It was pretty slick and majorly impressive. Wish Ida photo of it!

What else interesting things have I been up to?

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