
Friday, May 21, 2010

photo collecting

Here are some intriguing pics that I've been holding on to for a while.

From our weekly trek to the fruit store:

Pedaling hard, the recyclers on tricycles pick up cardboard and/or bottles. When we were in thailand, it was late evening and impossible to be seen/get a taxi back to our hotel. The only person who stopped for us was a recycle lady like this one. She was really sweet, (and also had a motor powered bike to pull her load) We rode for about 20 minutes on top of stacks of cardboard in open air. It was amazing.

This is my green onion plant. My friend's mom used to do this in Oakland, so I thought I'd try it, so I'd have green onions all the time. But they are soooo tiny I can hardly taste them.

Guess what these are! Candy. Chinese Candy, yes. Timon kept saying, "Ooh, these are so good! You should have one!" And I couldn't figure out how Shrimp flavored candy could ever taste "good"- I had a shrimp waffle before and it was g-r-o-s-s. And when you open the paper wrapper, the candy inside is a beige log with brown/grey stripes, like a shrimp- I guess. Well, contrary to its packaging, it IS delicious!!! It's actually a Butterfinger!!!! Score 1 for Chinese candy! We just have to figure out how to buy more.

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