
Saturday, June 14, 2008

New loves

One of my new loves is riding my bike at dusk.

Today i went a exploring again, nearly got myself lost, but had an energizing time looking at china. Ok, sounds a bit odd, but that's the best way I can put it. I strolled thru a little market, with arm length stalls on either side, and crates down the middle with produce. It reminded me a lot like the markets in mexico, with tarps stretched over, and families just sitting out playing cards. It was peaceful. Not like the fake market everyone's shouting and at least one person is angery. It was such a community atmosphere, with the culmination of diff family's shops. stereos, clothes, locks, veggies, shoes. And the street i was on, Maotai was tree lined. So it was something like yuppie neighborhood meets strip mall meets city. I'm not sure why multitudes of trees=yuppie neighborhood, but they were all mechanically there, fully green, and fully organized.

So i headed towards the water, and the sun was setting-ish. The sky is light grey, and becoming more dim. The neon lights, and yellow apt room lights begin to glow more prominently. The sky's natural light is calmly fading out as the aggressive man made glows of shops and cars overtake the scene before you know it. mmmm tall buildings, and the hustle and bustle slows to a trot.

1 comment:

  1. great post. i love biking too. especially when the weather is nice and the breeze is blowing. do you have a basket and bell too?
